Friday, October 5, 2012

9-11 and the War with Iraq

The article I am critiquing is an article about 9-11 and our country going to war thereafter. "Willfully Blind to a System 'Blinking Red'" was written by Jody Seaborn on September 11, 2012. The particular portion of this article that I would like to discuss is the portion where Seaborn proceeds to discuss the neoconservatives "pushing us into a war that we didn't 'need'".

...Those same neoconservatives would, 18 months later, carry the nation into an unnecessary and unwarranted war with Iraq.

Seaborn is a journalist with the Statesman, and she does include links to other articles and commentary throughout her blog, but this statement is completely derived from opinion. If you were to ask the  average person, to whom she is writing, back in 2001-2002 what their stance was, most, republicans and democrats, would say we cannot stand idly by and do nothing while this country wages war on us.   During 9-11 was when the country really began to come together in a time of crisis and most people were in support of the war under the circumstances, though their normal political views would say otherwise. Reason being, nothing about 9-11 was normal. Nothing about the war with Iraq was unnecessary or unwarranted. When people from another country come onto your turf and devastate some of the most important buildings and places of business to our country and our economy and they kill thousands of innocent civilians, you don't just do nothing. Especially being Americans, who at the time had a very good reputation of strength and power in the world. You cannot allow other countries to make a pointed attack on your people and not retaliate. Doing so would show a serious weakness, a lack of care for the people of your country, and may even open doors for other "enemies" to attempt something similar or even worse. To say that the war on Iraq was unnecessary and unwarranted is ignorant, selfish, callous, and insensitive. This event totally changed the course of our history, but it also brought about such change and closeness among the American people that can never be taken away. We were and still are united as a country. No one will every forget what happened that day or the men and women who laid down their lives to make things right for us.  

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