Friday, September 21, 2012

Pension Reform

I found this article on the Texas Watchdog blog. It is called "Pension reform will be a bloody fight between GOP factions in the Texas Legislature". This article touches on the fact that this is what representatives are discussing now. It talks about the possibility of Pension Reform and what specific representatives' stances are on the topic. It also discusses different representatives' view points on the issue and how some think there is nothing wrong with our state pension plan and other think it needs a change. I think this is really good information that helps keep people in the loop of what is going on in their state and how these decisions will be affecting state employees and teachers, especially. I personally believe that teachers are grossly underpaid and could receive much better pension and benefits packages, so this article was very interesting to me.

Here is the link to the article "Pension reform will be a bloody fight between GOP factions in the Texas Legislature"

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