Friday, November 16, 2012

Comments on "The Donkey's Head"-Why We Shouldn't have Texas Voter ID Law

This post on "The Donkey's Head" blog is about 'Why we Shouldn't have a Texas Voter ID Law'. I would have to agree with this post. There is a whole class of people who don't have identification because they don't use it on a regular basis or can't afford to have it and it isn't essential to their life. There are even some people, as Samantha mentioned, who have lost their identification in major tragedies or natural disasters and haven't had the means or the documentation to replace them.

I think having the Texas Voter ID Law would prohibit a lot of people from voting. I don't think that the current way we have voter registration and voting set up is a system that is allowing illegals to vote-- and if so, not on a large enough scale for it to matter. I think it would cause more of a problem of the opposite effect- it would keep people from voting more so than it would prevent illegals from voting. The laws only state that you have to be a citizen of the United States and you have to be registered to vote. Anything more than that is impeding on our rights as citizens. It doesn't have to be, nor should it be, complicated. Making it difficult for people to vote will send us back to the place we were hundreds of years ago when there was poll tax and only white people were permitted to vote, etc. I'm against passing this law, and I agree with Samantha's post and analysis on this topic.

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