Monday, December 10, 2012

Comments on Government Welfare Assistance

Amanda Thompson wrote in her blog "Kidnapped and Dragged to Texas" 'To Test or Not To Test' in regards to whether or not we should drug test people who want to receive government assistance.

I would have to agree with this post. I would be FOR drug testing to receive any welfare or benefits from the government.

I know it's not the case for everyone, but there are too many cases where people are just abusing the system and taking what they can take from the government as long as the government will keep giving, and they have no intention of ever getting a job. This preventative action would help weed out some of those cases and really narrow it down to the people who really need the help and who are actually going to do something with it.

This also might help the government cut back on some unnecessary expenses that are being wasted on people who are going to stay in the system and not go anywhere. It would allow some extra funds to be able to help others and maybe free up some money that can go into other areas of the state budget, such as education.

To add to this though, it might be nice if there was a partner charity foundation that could team up with citizens who need welfare assistance but who can't pass a drug test. This would be reserved for people who really do want to get clean and be able to get some assistance from the government to get back on their feet. This might be a good alternative to just shutting the doors on some of these people and sending them back out into the world if they actually want the help to get back on their feet.